Daiva (Barbarika + Sharabha + Agni)



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1) Barbarika – The most powerful warrior of Mahabharata
2) Sharabha – The Avatar of Siva
3) The Trial of Agni – The fire god goes through fire

The most powerful warrior of Mahabharata
The son of Ghatotkaca and the grandson of the Pandava prince Bhima was very very powerful. More powerful than the greatest warrior Arjuna, or his teacher Dronacharya, or even Lord Krishna himself. Yet, he lost his life even before the war could begin. Don’t you want to find out how?

Sharabha is a powerful part-lion and part-bird beast in Hindu mythology. It also appears in Tibetan art, Buddhist tales and more recently as a figure of power and majesty in numerous emblems. The story behind the birth of this mysterious creature is fascinating, and fires up one’s imagination.

The Trial of Agni
The Fire God Goes Through Fire!
Quite often we see that bad times bring unexpected good results. Indian mythology has several stories where curses lead to boons. Does this hold good for Gods too?